Industrial plant

Knowledgeable Industrial Electrical Service

Your industrial organization's comprehensive electrical construction solution can be found at Goss Electric. You'll get highly experienced service from highly trained and knowledgeable technicians. This is guaranteed for your project, no matter how big or small it is.

Comprehensive electrical services

  • Process controls
  • Power distribution
  • Power correction
  • High voltage
  • Sub-stations
  • Panel design and assembly
  • Panel testing
  • Industrial construction
  • Machine automation
  • PLC programming

Full-service solutions

You can rely on Goss Electric throughout your entire project. This includes everything from the initial AutoCAD drafting process to the final fabrication and assembly.


As required, your panels will be tested in order to ensure total safety and operability.

Complete Commercial Electrical Service

Without your electrical resources, you wouldn't be able to run your business. Every inch of your commercial space will function flawlessly when you trust Goss Electric to be your commercial electrical service provider.

Wire installation

Installation and upgrades

No matter what you need for your new electrical assets, we can help you. You'll get everything you need from your initial design to the final installation or build.


No matter the type of building you have or your specific need, you can count on Goss Electric to handle it.


Troubleshooting, testing and repair

You can continue to get service from Goss Electric long after your initial setup. This is because you can use their expert technicians to resolve all of your electrical issues.


What's more, you won't have to wait until the next business day (or worse, some far off appointment date) to get your service. Instead, you can use our 24/7 emergency call service.

Call Goss Electric today! 


Goss Electric has been your number one industrial electric solution since our doors opened in 1976.

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